Business Concept

Basic Policy

In the 9th Medium-Term Business Plan, we have set "The 4th Stage Towards a 100-year Company - Commitment to Paradigm Shift Leading to Sustainable Management" as our management concept.
Starting as a hardware manufacturer, we have grown as a company that provides total solutions including services such as software, cloud services, and consigned businesses, etc., in response to changing market needs and technological innovation. To further develop this trend, we will promote DX in each business field and execute strategic investments in software-based assets, IoT, AI, etc. In addition, we will improve customer convenience by enhancing the functions of standard products and further enhance our competitive advantage in terms of profitability. Furthermore, we will develop and expand our management infrastructure and work to solve social issues such as maximizing the value of human capital and reducing environmental impact.
Under this policy, we will expand our business performance based on the three growth drivers, aiming to achieve sales of ¥168,000 million, operating profit of ¥23,000 million, operating profit margin (OPR) of 13%, and ROE of 12% in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2026, the final year of this plan.

Expand business performance through three growth drivers in the 9th Medium-Term Business Plan.

The 9th Medium-Term Business Plan


Reviced Plan
Reviced Plan
Amount Change% Amount Change% Amount Change%
Sales 152,864 15.1% 160,000 4.7% 168,000 5.0%
Operating Profit 19,567 23.9% 21,000 7.3% 23,000 9.5%
Operating Profit Ratio 12.8% 13.1% 13.7%
Ordinary Profit 20,855 23.0% 22,000 5.5% 24,000 9.1%
Net income attributable to owners
of the parent company
13,141 16.4% 14,500 10.3% 15,500 6.9%

*(Millions of yen)

The 9th Medium-Term Business Plan
(Update April 25, 2024)