
Representative Director

Chairman & Representative Director Hiroyuki TSUDA

Chairman & Representative Director

Hiroyuki TSUDA

View biography

Apr. 1982 Joined the Company
Apr. 2007 General Manager of Kanto Regional Sales & Marketing Unit of the Company
Apr. 2011 General Manager of Chubu Regional Sales & Marketing Unit of the Company
Apr. 2013 Operating Officer of the Company
Apr. 2014 Resigned from the Operating Officer of the Company
Apr. 2014 President & Representative Director of Amano Management Service Corporation
Apr. 2016 Operating Officer of the Company
Apr. 2016 Business Supervisory of the Company
Jun. 2017 President & Representative Director of the Company
Apr. 2023 Chairman & Representative Director of the Company (current position)
President & Representative Director Manabu YAMAZAKI

President & Representative Director


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Apr. 1986 Joined the Company
Apr. 2013 General Manager of Chugoku & Shikoku Regional Sales & Marketing Unit of the Company
Apr. 2014 General Manager of Comprehensive Planning Unit of the Company
Apr. 2015 General Manager of Time Information Business Unit of the Company
Apr. 2016 Operating Officer of the Company
Apr. 2016 Division Manager of Comprehensive Strategy Planning Division and Deputy General Manager of Corporate Planning Unit of the Company
Apr. 2017 Business Supervisory and Division Manager of Comprehensive Strategy Planning Division of the Company
Jun. 2017 Director of the Company
Apr. 2018 Chairman of Amano USA Holdings Inc.
Oct. 2018 Chairman & President of Amano USA Holdings Inc.
Feb. 2020 Domestic Group Company Supervisory of the Company
Apr. 2020 Corporate Administration Supervisory and General Manager of Corporate Administration Unit and Domestic Group Company Supervisory of the Company
Apr. 2021 Managing Operating Officer of the Company
Apr. 2021 Corporate Administration Supervisory and General Manager of Corporate Administration Unit of the Company
Apr. 2022 Sales & Marketing Supervisory / Business Supervisory of the Company
Apr. 2023 President & Representative Director of the Company (current position)


  • Director & Executive Operating Officer General Manager Corporate Planning Unit /
    (Outside) Director CREO Co.Ltd.

    Kunihiro IHARA

    View biography

    Apr. 2004 Deputy General Manager of Loan Department of the Dai-ichi Mutual Life Insurance Company (currently, the Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited)
    Apr. 2007 Joined the Company
    Apr. 2009 Division Manager of Accounting Division of the Company
    Apr. 2010 Operating Officer of the Company
    Apr. 2013 Deputy General Manager of Corporate Administration Unit of the Company
    Apr. 2015 General Manager of Corporate Administration Unit and Division Manager of Human Resources Division of the Company
    Apr. 2016 General Manager of Corporate Planning Unit of the Company (current position)
    Jun. 2016 Director of CREO CO., LTD. (current position)
    Jun. 2016 Director of the Company (current position)
    Apr. 2021 Managing Operating Officer of the Company
    Apr. 2024 Executive Operating Officer of the Company (current position)
  • Director & Managing OperatingOfficer, Sales & Marketing Supervisory / Business Supervisory / Domestic Group Company Supervisory

    Yoshihiko HATA

    View biography

    Apr. 1987 Joined the Company
    Apr. 2011 General Manager of Kanto Regional Sales & Marketing Unit of the Company
    Apr. 2014 General Manager of Parking Business Unit of the Company
    Apr. 2017 Operating Officer of the Company
    Apr. 2018 General Manager of Parking Business Unit of the Company and President & Representative Director of AMANO Management Service Corporation
    Apr. 2019 Executive Vice President AMANO USA HOLDINGS, INC. and Executive Vice President AMANO McGann, INC.
    Apr. 2021 Business Supervisory and Domestic Group Company Supervisory of the Company
    Apr. 2022 Corporate Administration Supervisory and General Manager of Corporate Administration Unit of the Company
    Jun. 2022 Director of the Company (current position)
    Apr. 2023 Managing Operating Officer of the Company (current position)
    Apr. 2023 Sales & Marketing Supervisory / Business Supervisory / Domestic Group Company Supervisory (current position)
  • Director & Operating Officer R&D / Production Supervisory / General Manager Product R&D Unit / Global Innovation R&D Unit

    Fujinori TAZO

    View biography

    Apr. 1987 Joined the Company
    Apr. 2016 Deputy General Manager of R&D Unit and Division Manager of Technology R&D Division of the Company
    Apr. 2018 Deputy General Manager of R&D Unit and Division Manager of Innovation R&D Division of the Company
    Apr. 2019 Operating Officer of the Company (current position)
    Apr. 2019 General Manager of R&D Unit of the Company and Technology Desk of Amano USA Holdings, Inc.
    Apr. 2020 R&D Supervisory / General Manager of R&D Unit and Domestic & Overseas R&D Supervisory of the Company
    Jun. 2020 Director of the Company (current position)
    Apr. 2022 R&D Supervisory / General Manager Product R&D / General Manager Innovation R&D
    Apr. 2022 R&D / Production Supervisory / General Manager Product R&D / Global Innovation R&D (current position)
  • (Outside) Director

    Kiyoshi KAWASHIMA

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    Apr. 1979 Registered as an attorney at law (with Daini Tokyo Bar Association)
    May. 1984 Kawashima Law Office (Kanagawa Bar Association) (current position)
    Apr. 1995 Legal Training and Research Professor of Defense in Civil Cases, Institute in the Supreme Court of Japan
    Apr. 2004 Professor of Yokohama National University Law School
    Apr. 2011 Guest Professor of the Open University of Japan (current position)
    Jun. 2012 Director of Fuji Furukawa Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.
    Nov. 2013 Director of Kanagawa Gakuen, an incorporated Educational Institution (current position)
    Jun. 2015 Director of the Company (current position)
    May. 2017 Audit & Supervisory Board Member of YOKOHAMA IMPORTMART INC.
    Jun. 2021 Audit & Supervisory Board Member of Yokohama-Kawasaki International Port Corporation (current position)
  • (Outside) Director

    Michinobu OMORI

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    Apr. 1981 Joined the Ministry of Finance
    Jul. 1997 Deputy Commissioner of Criminal Investigation Department Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau
    Jul. 1999 Director of Tobacco and Salt Industries Office, Planning and Administration Division, Financial Bureau
    Jul. 2002 Director of Local Financial Department, Kinki Local Financial Bureau
    Jul. 2003 Counselor of Office for Industrial Revitalization Corporation of Japan, Cabinet Office
    Jul. 2005 Director of Customs Clearance Division, Customs and Tariff Bureau
    Jul. 2006 Director of Personnel Division, Customs and Tariff Bureau
    Jul. 2007 Director General of Hokuriku Local Finance Bureau
    Aug. 2009 Officer of Nippon Automated Cargo And Port Consolidated System, Inc.
    May. 2010 Director of Treasury Department, Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan
    Jul. 2011 Director of Inspection Department, Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan
    Jun. 2012 Audit & Supervisory Board Member of The Shoko Chukin Bank, Ltd.
    Jun. 2016 Director General of Tokyo Customs
    Jul. 2017 Resigned from the Ministry of Finance
    Jan. 2018 Advisor of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Thermal Systems, Ltd.
    Jun. 2019 Director of the Company (current position)
    Jun. 2020 Director of Japan Credit Information Reference Center Corp.
  • (Outside) Director

    Sumie WATANABE

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    Aug. 1980 Joined The Dai-ichi Mutual Life Insurance Company (currently, the Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited)
    Apr. 2008 Division Manager of FP Sales Division of the same company
    Apr. 2010 Division Manager of FP Consulting Division of The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited
    Apr. 2015 Adjunct of the same company
    Apr. 2016 Operating Officer of the same company
    Oct. 2016 Operating Officer of Dai-ichi Life Holdings, Inc.
    Oct. 2016 Operating Officer of The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited
    Apr. 2021 Chairman & Director of Dai-ichi Life Challenged Co.,Ltd.
    Jun. 2021 Director of the Company (current position)

Audit & Supervisory Board Members

  • (Full-time) Audit & Supervisory Board Member

    Masahiko MORITA

    View biography

    Apr. 1982 Joined the Company
    Apr. 2007 Division Manager of Corporate Administration Division of the Company
    Apr. 2013 Operating Officer of the Company
    Apr. 2013 Division Manager of the Accounting Division of the Company
    Apr. 2019 General Manager of Internal Audit of the Company
    Jun. 2020 Audit & Supervisory Board Member of the Company (current position)
  • (Full-time) Audit & Supervisory Board Member

    Tomonori KITAMI

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    Apr. 1986 Joined the Company
    Apr. 2007 Division Manager of Corporate Planning Unit of the Company
    Apr. 2013 Division Manager of Corporate Administration Division of the Company
    Apr. 2022 Operating Officer of the Company
    Jun. 2024 Audit & Supervisory Board Member of the Company (current position)
  • (Outside) Audit & Supervisory Board Member

    Hanae NAKAYA

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    Jun. 1989 Joined Chuo Shinko Audit Corporation (Chuo Aoyama Audit Corporation)
    Aug. 1990 Registered as Certified Public Accountant
    Oct. 2003 Retired from Chuo Aoyama Audit Corporation
    Oct. 2003 Assistant Section Manager, Corporate Disclosure Counsellor's Office, Market Division, General Affairs and Planning Bureau, Financial Services Agency
    Apr. 2004 Assistant Section Manager, Corporate Disclosure Counsellor's Office, Market Division, General Affairs and Planning Bureau, Financial Services Agency
    Aug. 2007 Certified Public Accountant, opened Nakaya Accounting Office, Representative
    Apr. 2008 Chief Securities Investigator, Disclosure Inspection Division, Secretariat of the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission, Financial Services Agency
    Aug. 2013 Registered Certified Public Accountant/Tax Accountant, renamed Nakaya Accounting Office, Representative (current position)
    Apr. 2015 Auditor, National Institute of Special Needs Education, Incorporated Administrative Agency (current position)
    Aug. 2016 Partner, Tachibana Limited Liability Company (current position)
    Jun. 2019 Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member of the Company (current position)
    Jul. 2022 Director, The Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (current position)
    Dec. 2022 Kanagawa Prefecture Auditor's insight (current position)
    Feb. 2023 Outside Director of JASTEC Co., Ltd. (Audit Committee Member) (current position)
  • (Outside) Audit & Supervisory Board Member

    Naofumi NAGAKAWA

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    Apr. 1993 Housing Business Unit of the same company
    Apr. 1996 Kansai branch of the same company
    Oct. 2009 Temporarily assigned to Tokyu Land Capital Management Inc.
    Oct. 2019 Chairman of Fujimigaoka-Gakuen, an incorporated educational institution (current position)
    Jun. 2021 Audit & Supervisory Board Member of the Company (current position)
    Apr. 2023 Auditor, The Association of Kanagawa Private High School (current position)
    Apr. 2023 Auditor, The Education Foundation of Kanagawa Private School (current position)
    Jun. 2023 Director, The Retirement Allowance Foundation for kanagawa Private School (current position)
    Apr. 2024 Principal, Yokohama Fujimigaoka Gakuen (current position)
    May. 2024 Auditor, National Association of Upper Secondary School Principals (current position)

Operating Officers

  • Managing Operating Officer

    Susumu IKOMA

    Overseas Business Supervisory / Overseas Group Company Supervisory

  • Operating Officer

    Myeong-Jin JEON

    President Amano Korea Corporation

  • Operating Officer

    Toshiyuki NISHIKIORI

    General Manager Kinki Regional Sales & Marketing

  • Operating Officer


    General Manager General Affairs

  • Operating Officer

    Tetsuji ISHIKAWA

    General Manager Comprehensive Strategy Planning

  • Operating Officer

    Masashi NABESHIMA

    General Manager Corporate Administration

  • Operating Officer

    Tatsuo MAEKAWA

    General Manager Parking Business

  • Operating Officer

    Nobuyuki HORIMOTO

    General Manager Time Information Business

  • Operating Officer

    Kenichiro SAKAGUCHI

    Corporate Administration Supervisory / General Manager Corporate Administration

  • Operating Officer


    President Amano Secure Japan Corporation

  • Operating Officer

    Eiji IWATA

    General Manager Chubu Regional Sales & Marketing

  • Operating Officer

    Kazuhiro ITO

    Head of Software Factory / General Manager Software R&D

  • Operating Officer


    Managing Director Amano Europe Holdings, N.V.