Amano Sustainability

Sustainability Basic Policy

The Amano Group’s Management Principle is to create new value in the fields of “People & Time” and “People & Air” and contribute to the realization of a safe, comfortable, and wholesome society. We strive to realize society and improve corporate value.
Amid growing demand for the whole society, including companies, to engage in social sustainability, Amano will actively take on issues that need to be addressed, aiming to become a company that is trusted and appreciated by all stakeholders, including our customers, business partners, shareholders,employees, and local communities.

The Promotion of Sustainability and Involvement of the Board of Directors

In April 2022, the Amano Group established the Sustainability Committee in order to promote efforts to achieve a sustainable society and improve corporate value.The Committee, chaired by the President & Representative Director, is responsible for the Amano Group’s sustainability management response,materiality formulation, in-house education, and information disclosure functions. Specifically, in coordination with relevant departments and the Risk Management Committee, the Committee formulates the basic policy, activity goals, and implementation issues related to sustainability activities. The matters agreed by the Committee are then deployed to group companies.
In addition, the Board of Directors receives a report at least once a year on the basic policies and activity goals examined by the Committee regarding how our business contributes to the realization of a sustainable society, evaluates their progress, approves the effectiveness of the activity policies, and provides monitoring and supervision. The report to the Board of Directors is made by the Chairman or Vice Chairman, depending on the contents of the report.

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