Code of Conduct & Compliance


The Amano Group has established our own “Basic Policy of Compliance” and “Compliance Rules”, and is working on a variety of activities to promote and raise awareness of compliance and its thorough practice among all employees.

The Code of Ethics

In June 2015, the Amano Group distributed a revised version of our “Corporate Code of Ethics” (booklet) to all of our employees to ensure their understanding of basic policy of internal control, corporate code of ethics and to encourage their thorough compliance to the corporate standards of behavior.

Compliance Training Programs

Employees are informed of various legal information that they should or need to know, including anti-corruption and bribery matters, with regular compliance training programs (e-learning) being conducted. In order to deepen understanding of compliance, the questions in the Q&A are specific based on actual situations.

The Internal Whistle-blowing System

The Amano Group has established the “Amano Group Hotline Rules” to receive “whistleblowing” complaints and opinions from all Amano Group employees. There are three hotlines in operation; the “Corporate Ethics Hotline”, the “HR Hotline”, and the “Amano External Hotline”.

Anti-Bribery Initiatives

The Amano Group established the “Rules on Compliance with International Competition Law and Prevention of Bribery” in June 2016, and strives to prevent bribery, taking steps such as raising awareness through regular e-learning. In addition, the audits conducted by the Internal Audit Office include matters relating to bribery. In FY2023, no fraud related to bribery, donations, or support was reported.

Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations

Laws and regulations related to the environment have been strengthened every year, and we share information mainly through the Sustainability Committee. A survey conducted in FY2023 indicated that there were no serious violations of environmental laws and regulations (fines/sanctions). We will continue to strive to achieve proper management in the future.

Political Contributions

Amano did not make any political contributions in FY2023 in accordance with the Political Funds Control Act. Note that, some group companies may make political contributions based on the judgment of each company in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and their own ethical code.

Risk Management

The Amano group recognizes that in a business environment where risks are becoming increasingly complex and diversified, the formation and the operation of appropriate internal controls along with risk management structures are vital for gaining each stakeholder confidence. Under this recognition, we regard the activities of our various committees as being the core of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and along with the risk management framework, form the foundation to achieve our management policy. We will continue to strive to enhance these committees and risk management.
The details of their activities are reported to Representative Directors as required and to the Board of Directors when necessary.

Risk Management System

Risk Management System