Company Information Questions
- Q .When was Amano established?
- Q .Where can I find information on Amano's management plinciple?
- Q .Where can I see Amano’s business overview?
- Q .Where can I see Amano’s corporate profile or history?
- Q .How many employees does Amano have?
- Q .Where can I see Amano's group companies?
- Q .Where is Amano's head office located?
- Q .Where can I see the composition of the Board of Directors?
Financial Information Questions
Stock Questions
- Q .When was Amano listed?
- Q .In which stock exchange is Amano listed?
- Q .What is Amano's security code?
- Q .Who is the shareholder registry administrator?
- Q .Where can I find information on stock administration procedures ?
- Q .When are the record dates to ne entitled for dividends?
- Q .What is the number of shares per share unit?
- Q .Do you have a shareholder special benefit plan?
- Q .When is the general meeting of shareholders?
Management Strategy Questions
Other Questions
Company Information Questions
- QWhen was Amano established?
- A
Amano was founded on November 3, 1931 and established on November 22.
- QWhere can I find information on Amano's management plinciple?
- A
Please refer to Management Plinciple.
- QWhere can I see Amano’s business overview?
- A
Please refer to Product and Understand Amano in 5 Minutes
- QWhere can I see Amano’s corporate profile or history?
- A
Please refer to Corporate Profile and History.
- QHow many employees does Amano have?
- A
Please refer to Corporate Profile.
- QWhere can I see Amano's group companies?
- A
Please refer to Overseas Group Companies and Domestic Group Companies.
- QWhere is Amano's head office located?
- A
275 Mametocho, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Please refer to Corporate Profile. - QWhere can I see the composition of the Board of Directors?
- A
Please refer to Board of Directors.
Financial Information Questions
- QWhen are the financial results announced?
- A
March 31 each year
- QWhen are the financial results announced?
- A
Please refer to IR Calender.
- QWhere can I see Amano’s financial results and financial condition?
- A
Please refer to Financial Highlight and IR Library.
- QWhere can I see Amano's financial performance history?
- A
Please refer to Financial Highlight.
Stock Questions
- QWhen was Amano listed?
- A
Amano was listed on August 1967 at Tokyo exchange.
- QIn which stock exchange is Amano listed?
- A
Prime Market of Tokyo Stock Exchange.
- QWhat is Amano's security code?
- A
It is 6436.
- QWho is the shareholder registry administrator?
- A
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Please refer to Stock Information. - QWhere can I find information on stock administration procedures ?
- A
Please refer to Stock Information.
- QWhen are the record dates to ne entitled for dividends?
- A
March 31 for year-end dividend and September 30 for the interim dividend.
- QWhat is the number of shares per share unit?
- A
- QDo you have a shareholder special benefit plan?
- A
We do not have a shareholder special benefit plan.
- QWhen is the general meeting of shareholders?
- A
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will be held in late June
Financial Information Questions
- QWhere can I find information on return to shareholders?
- A
Please refer to Dividend / Returns to shareholders.
- QWhere can I find information on Amano's environmental and social contribution activities?
- A
Please refer to Sustainability.
- QWhere can I find information on Amano's corporate governance structure?
- A
Please refer to Corporate Governance.
Other Questions
- QWhere can I make inquiries about IR?
- A
Please contact us from here.
- QWho are the Amano cover analysts?
- A
Please refer to Analyst Coverage.