Initiatives to Reduce Waste Material
Waste Reduction Target
Due to the increase in efforts to promote a circular economy in recent years, we have set specific numerical targets for waste emissions, considering that it is necessary to reduce waste in the future and make efforts not to generate waste.
Waste reduction target : Reduce total waste emissions intensity by 1% from the previous year.
* Note: Targets are Head Office, Sagamihara Factory,and Hosoe Factory sites)
Reducing the Total Amount of Industrial Waste
The total amount of industrial waste emitted from our 3 sites (Head Office, Sagamihara Factory, and Hosoe Factory) in FY2022 was 1,748.1 tons, which was 2% less than the previous year. Owing to thorough sorting of waste, we maintain a 98.5% recycling rate. We will continue to practice appropriate waste sorting aiming to reduce waste emissions and improve the recycling rate.
Subdivision of dry battery separation (Sagamihara)
Promoting waste plastic recycling
The total amount of plastics waste from our 3 sites (Head Office, Sagamihara Factory, and Hosoe Factory) was 88.8 tons in FY2022, which was 4% less than the previous year. Owing to thorough sorting, the recycling rate increased by 2% to 97.9%. We will continue to strive to reduce waste plastic discharge and promote recycling through employee education, etc.