Amano’s Sustainability

Goals and Activity Results

○…Goal achieved △…Goal not achieved     
FY2023 Goals FY2023 Activity Results Self-assessment FY2022 Activity Results
[Initiatives to Reduce Environmental Impact]
Reduce CO₂ emissions by 46% in FY2030 compared to the FY2013 standard 38.2% reduction 35.7% reduction
Reduce energy consumption per unit by 1% from the previous fiscal year 10.5% reduction 5.1% reduction
Corporate vehicle fuel (gasoline and light fuel) :Reduce from the previous fiscal year 4.4% reduction 1.4% reduction
Paper usage : No increase from the previous fiscal year 7.1% reduction 8.4% reduction
Water consumption : Reduce from the previous fiscal year 6.9% reduction 10.1% reduction
Conducted statutory environmental measurements (no violation of regulatory limits)
  • - Air emission assessment (Air Pollution Control Law, prefectural ordinance)
  • - Odor assessment (Odor Control Law)
  • - Water quality assessment (Water Pollution Control Law, prefectural ordinance)
  • - Noise/ vibration assessment (prefectural ordinance)
Conducted statutory environmental measurements (no violation of regulatory limits) Conducted statutory environmental measurements (no violation of regulatory limits)
[Initiatives to Reduce Waste]
Reduce total waste emissions intensity by 1% from the previous fiscal year (New target) Head Office : 18.0% increase
Factory : 14.8% reduction
Total amount of waste plastic output : Reduce from the previous fiscal year 11.6% reduction 1.5% reduction
Waste plastic recycling rate : Improve from the previous fiscal year 2.0% decline 2.1% improvement
[Promotion of green purchases and green procurement]
Green purchasing of office supplies : Continue to promote 50.3% 45.7%
[Management of chemicals]
Amount of PRTR-designated chemicals handled : Reduce from the previous fiscal year 9.2% reduction 29.9% reduction
[Relationship with Employees]
Increase the proportion of female workers to 16% 16.9% 16.4%
Achieve male childcare rate to 50% by men by March 2026 40% 20%
Increase female managers ratio to 5% by March 2026 2.7% 1.9%
Increase manager ratio among female employees to 10% by March 3.6% 2.4%
Maintain the employment rate of people with disabilities above the statutory employment rate 2.63% 2.66%

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