Human Rights
Human Rights Policy
Amano's Management Principle is to create new values in the field of “People & Time” and “People & Air”, and Amano will contribute to the realization of a safe, comfortable, and wholesome society. We understand that creating an environment in which individual human rights and individuality are respected to enrich
people's lives is a natural expectation towards companies.
We will fulfill our own responsibility to respect human rights, aiming to realize a society in which human rights are always respected. Through our activities, we will avoid causing or contributing to negative impacts on human rights in every way throughout the entire value chain. Furthermore, in the event such an effect occurs, we will immediately work to remedy it through appropriate procedures.
In addition, based on such consideration for human rights, we will strive to build an easy-to-work and rewarding company with a diverse environment where all employees can maximize their individual abilities and share diversified values.
Moreover, this policy has been formulated based on international human rights standards, including the International Bill of Human Rights and the “ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work” of the International Labour Organization (ILO).
To fulfill our Responsibilities
- We will respect the human rights of all employees in the Amano Group, including non-regular workers. In addition, we will encourage our suppliers and partners to support and adopt the contents of the Amano Group Human Rights Policy.
- We comply with the local laws and regulations in each region and country where we conduct business. In the event of a conflict between internationally recognized human rights and the local requirements, we will respect the principles of international human rights while giving due consideration to the laws and regulations of each country and region.
- We respect diversity and prohibit discrimination based on race, religion, age, gender, disability, political or other opinion, or any other factors unrelated to legitimate business interests.
- We do not allow any form of forced labor, child labor, or any form of modern slavery or human trafficking.
- We respect the workers’ fundamental labor rights to organize, bargain collectively, and take collective action, and we adhere to fair compensation.
- We create a working environment where all Amano Group employees can work safely, securely, and comfortably and pleasantly.
- In order to protect the safety and health of those who use products produced by the Amano Group, we are committed to producing high quality products and work on accurate product descriptions without falsifications or misleading.
- In accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we have established and continue to implement a human rights due diligence mechanism.
- We encourage all employees to promptly report any violations (or potential violations) of laws, regulations, etc.
To this end, we have established and maintain an internal whistleblowing system that is independent of the normal chain of command, including an external hotline that allows employees to report issues directly to lawyers. In addition, we maintain the anonymity of whistleblowers in order to ensure that employees who made the report are treated fairly. - We will hold dialogue and consultation with relevant external stakeholders to address and ameliorate the negative impacts on human rights arising from our business activities.
To this end, we have established a whistleblowing system accessible to all stakeholders. (Currently accessible only in Japan)
This system maintains anonymity and confidentiality, and we will remedy the negative effects through appropriate procedures based on the reported information. - In order to comply with laws, regulations, and principles related to human rights, we thoroughly educate and train appropriately all of our officers and employees so that this policy becomes an integral part of our business activities. We will also work to promote understanding of this policy among our suppliers and partners.
- The Amano Group has appointed a person in charge of implementing this policy (the Human Rights Policy Response Officer), who will be responsible for supervising compliance with this policy.
Established on 10 November, 2021
Revised on 1 April, 2024
Whistleblowing system on human rights accessible to all stakeholders
The Amano Group operates an "External Stakeholder Hotline" to prevent and mitigate the negative effects on human rights of our stakeholders. This hotline is a system for direct whistleblowing of issues that clearly cause or promote negative effects on human rights as a result of Amano's business activities, using the dedicated web form below.
External Stakeholder Hotline|Report Form
*Currently accessible only in Japan and available in Japanese language only