Initiatives at Branches and Sales Offices

Energy-Saving Measures of Sales and Service offices

Since FY2007, Amano Branches and Sales Offices have begun collecting data on environmental burden (consumption of electricity, gas, gasoline and other fuel, and water, etc.) from each regional office.


* Calculated based on the Energy Conservation Act (Act on Rationalizing Energy Use and Shifting to Non-fossil Energy). (Energy consumption/total floor area)
* Figures for FY2023 onward are calculated based on the amended Energy Conservation Act that came into effect in April 2023.

Purchased electrical power (total for all branches and sales offices operations)

* Figures for FY2023 onward are calculated based on the amended Energy Conservation Act that came into effect in April 2023.

Initiatives for Company Car Usage

Regarding company vehicles running on public roads, we reduce and renew units to maintain an optimal number of vehicles, progressively replacing them with eco-cars. We have also begun to introduce hybrid vehicles (HV) and plan to continue to replace the fleet gradually. In addition, we will introduce electric vehicles (EVs) that are more environmentally friendly and install charging stations.
We are also conducting educational activity through a booklet “10 eco-driving recommendations”.

Fuel consumption (total for all branches and sales offices)

* Figures for FY2023 onward are calculated based on the amended Energy Conservation Act that came into effect in April 2023.