Human Rights Due Diligence

Amano Corporation is working to develop a human rights due diligence system in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Human rights due diligence is an ongoing effort to identify the risks of human rights violations that accompany their business activities, and to prevent or mitigate them.
In order to mitigate any negative impact that the activities of Amano Corporation may have on society, we investigate and ascertain this from a preventive perspective, implement appropriate corrective measures, and publicly disclose the progress and results.

Human Rights Due Diligence Process

Since FY2022, we have conducted a questionnaire survey on the status of human rights initiatives (including initiatives for reducing the burden on the environment) on 50 of our business partners for the purpose of understanding issues in the supply chain. (In FY2022, 50 companies were surveyed)
In FY2023, we conducted the survey on 54 of our primary suppliers, which did not identify any suppliers with risks associated with child labor. For high priority human rights issues that were identified, we issued feedback reports and requested that improvements be made.

Details of each STEP

Amano Group conducts human rights risk investigations with the advice of external specialist agencies.
We used the following approach to identify any potential risks that our business activities might pose to human rights.

STEP 01  Scope of human rights risk investigation

Target businesses
  • Time Information System business
  • Environment System business

We analyze human rights related incidents in our industry and identify human rights risks that require particular attention to in our business activities.

Product-based risk investigation For incidents that cannot be identified by risk investigations of each business activity, we search by product name to identify any human rights risks that need to monitored.
Target country Japan (primary suppliers)

STEP 02  Human rights risks in target business activities

  • Occupational health and safety
  • Freedom of association /
    Right to collective bargaining
  • Consumer health and safety
  • Forced labor
  • Rights of local residents
  • Overwork / long working hours
  • Discrimination / harassment
  • Access to relief
  • Right to privacy
  • Child labor
  • Payment of appropriate remuneration and living wages

STEP 03  Identification of human rights risks

From the list of human rights risks we created, we identified important human rights risks to be addressed, taking into account the magnitude of the negative impact on people. With regard to the identified human rights themes, we conducted a questionnaire survey to our primary suppliers and went on to identify the priority on human rights initiatives. Going forward, we will continue to promote initiatives to mitigate human rights risks for any stakeholders in vulnerable stakeholders.