Efforts for Diverse Working Styles and Work-Life Balance

As demand for various values and working styles increases along with employee life events including childbirth, childcare, and nursing care of family members, we are working to allow employees to have options for efficient working styles and help them achieve work-life balance, according to the type of work and based on proper labor management.

Childcare Leave System

In the past few years, the rate of childcare leave taken by women has been 100%, but it has been low at 1% for men in FY2019 and 3% in FY2020. Therefore, we have made active announcements, including disclosing information on the outline of our childcare leave system for both men and women. The amended Act on Childcare Leave, which has progressively been implemented since April 2022, also supported these efforts, and in FY2022, the rate of childcare leave taken by men increased significantly to 20%. We have set a target of 50% as part of an action plan based on the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life and achieved a rate of 40% in FY2023.

Acquisition rates of childcare leave

Reduced Working Hours System

It is one type of workstyle in response to life events, such as using the system not only to balance work and childcare after returning from childcare leave but also for nursing care and other purposes.

Paid Leave System

The annual holidays are set at 127 days, with consecutive holidays during the Year-end and New Year, Golden Week, and Obon holidays. In addition to paid leave, employees are also entitled to special leave such as anniversary holiday (1 day) and refreshment holidays (up to 10 days). In addition, paid leave can be taken not only on a daily basis, but also on a half-day or hourly basis, and is widely used for a variety of purposes.

Average paid leave days taken

Employee Welfare System

In addition to the leave system, we have introduced various employee welfare systems to create a working environment in which each and every employee can work comfortably.

* Eligibility: Regular workers and part-time workers

Women’s Career Development

We have made the following efforts to create a work environment in which women can play an active role and work comfortably.

Efforts based on the Act of Promotion of Women's

Participation and Advancement in the Workplace we have developed and made public our action plan based on the Act of Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace since FY2016. In the first period, we set and achieved our target to hire 70 female employees by the end of FY2020, and in FY2021 we developed the second period action plan. We have achieved a rate of taking childcare leave system of at least 5% for men. From FY2023, our target will be raised to at least 50%.

  • target 1 : 

    Raise the percentage of female workers in the workforce to 20%.

  • target 2 : 

    Raise the childcare leave rate of male workers to over 50%.

Achievements and goals related to the active participation of women

2023 ResultsFY2025 Plan
Female manager ratio (*1) 2.7% 5.0%
Manager ratio among female employees 3.6% 10.0%
Differences in wages between male and female workers (*2)
(Regular workers)
(Part-time workers)

(*1) Targets are non-consolidated Amano Corporation
(*2) Ratio of women's wages to men's wages

Career training for female employees

We conduct “Women's Activity Training” to encourage our employees think about their own career based on work-life balance and to promote their future growth. The number of trainees achieved are as follows.

Training Participants

  • FY2023: 17 trainees
  • FY2022: 16 trainees
  • FY2021: 21 trainees
  • FY2020: 15 trainees
Career training for female employees

Social Support Services

We have a “Social Support Service” outsourcing contract with the social welfare office for the purpose of providing a comfortable work environment and supporting a family environment where employees can feel secure in their lives. In order to balance work and family life, this service provides consultation with exper ts about issues such as parental nursing care, postretirement living plans and other issues, as part of welfare services.

Survey of Current Conditions

We conduct surveys to ascer tain individual employees’ career preferences and to minimize career mismatches. Based on the material gathered on individuals’ work histories, skills, career inclinations, and other considerations, interviews are held with their department head or, upon request, the human resource representatives, to support employees’ autonomous growth and achievement of career goals.

Employee Diversity

We respect the personality and individuality of each employee and ensures a sound workplace environment free from harassment and discrimination because of ideology, beliefs, religion, nationality, race, sex, disability, property and place of origin.

Employment rate of people with disabilities

In order to promote the active participation of people with disabilities, we encourage their participation in the Abilympics* with the aim of improving their skills and motivation.

*Abilympics … Held for people with disabilities to compete against each other using skills developed through everyday work to improve vocational abilities, and to help companies and the public have an indepth understanding and awareness of people with disabilities, while promoting their employment.

Employee Diversity Abilympics (Skill competition for the people with disabilities)

Employment opportunities for senior workers

When our employees wish to continue working after reaching the mandatory retirement age (at the end of the fiscal year of their 60th birthday), we extend their employment as part-time contract workers (until the end of the fiscal year of their 65th birthday). About 90% of our compulsory retirees are rehired every year and contribute to corporate growth and the development of younger workers.
We also provide employees who end their parttime contracts after reaching 65 years of age with reemployment opportunities in parking lot management (customer service and replenishment of change and expendable supplies) at our Group company (Amano Management Service) to prepare them for new opportunities to use their knowledge, skills, and experience.

Employment opportunities for senior workers

Employment of Foreign Nationals

We recruit new graduates and mid-career professionals regardless of nationality, and this has led to revitalization of the organization through intercultural exchanges. In addition, after joining the company, we provide support not only for work, but also to ensure that foreign national employees can live with peace of mind in Japan. We also hire foreign national executives and strive to develop a company with a global perspective.


In response to the spread of COVID-19 since around February 2020, we are working on flexible ways of working remotely, such as working from home. In addition, for positions where working from home is not possible, we have also devised work styles to stagger working hours, such as introducing shift work. Since May 2023, when COVID-19 was categorized as a Class 5 infectious disease, onsite work has increased slightly, but teleworking continues to be one of the diverse ways to work.

Expanding Work Opportunities

As Amano’s business consists of an integrated system cover ing product planning to development, manufacturing, sales, and maintenance, there are many job opportunities available. We are cuurently working to expand opportunities even further with the aim of enhancing employee's careers and optimizing our workforce. This is a new initiative that will enable employees to use their skills and proactively take the initiative to advance their careers.

Specialist Development System

We have introduced the Specialist Development System to nurture specialist resources with highly-specialized skills. We accredit them as specialists regardless of their position (leadership role, professional position, etc.).
They contribute to improving corporate performance by utilizing their skills and creating new things. They also endeavor to pursue selfdevelopment and improve their expertise as pioneers in their fields.

Freedom of Association

We respect workers' fundamental labor rights that recognize their right to solidarity, collective bargaining, and collective action. Based on mutual honesty and trust, we work with the trade union to establish labor-management relationships through collective bargaining and other means, and to communicate effectively for the lasting development of the company.

Security Personnel

Amano does not have any security personnel.


We offer internships to students to deepen their understanding of work, our company, industry, and society. Several courses are available, including oneday courses to deepen understanding of our company and hands-on courses for several days of practical work.

The following Experiential Courses are held:

  • Software Development Course
  • Parking Product Development Course
  • Production Technology Course
  • Plant Design Engineering Course
  • Customer Engineering Course
  • Systems Engineering Course
  • Group Discussion Course, etc.