Amano Sustainability
- Basic Policy /
Promotion System - Materiality
- Engagement with Stakeholders
- External Initiatives
- Initiatives Targeting Internal Penetration
- Goals and Activity Results
Materiality Formulation
The Amano Group is engaged in the fields of "People & Time" and "People & Air," and we believe
it is important to contribute to solving social issues through these businesses while coexisting with
all stakeholders.
In order to identify the key issues for the Amano Group, the Sustainability Committee and the
Corporate Planning Division conducted a series of studies and deliberations, and in July 2023,
identified the following Four Themes and Eight Materialities.
Going forward, the issues and the KPIs will be set in accordance with the materialities in each
division and we will promote the efforts to address them.
Materiality Identification Process
To identify materiality, we first extracted social issues by referring to the SDGs and GRI guidelines,
and then selected possible materialities by taking into consideration our management philosophy,
businesses, and medium- long-term vision.
The selected possible materialities were narrowed down based on what we consider important
and what stakeholders expect from us, taking into consideration both business opportunities
and its risks, and with this in mind, we held meetings with each department to confirm their
recognitions and to listen to their thoughts.
The Sustainability Committee Secretariat and the
Corporate Planning Division then compiled and prepared a draft proposal.
The draft proposal was then finalized by the Sustainability Committee (Chairman: President and
Representative Director), and the Four Themes and Eight Materialities listed above were reported
and acknowledged by the Board of Directors.
∗ In STEP 02, materiality evaluation is conducted on two axis as follows, and items that are considered highly important on both axis are identified as materiality.
Management Cycle for Materiality-conscious Management
Materiality and Initiatives
Initiatives and targets for each materiality for FY2024 were determined as follows.
1. Be Eco-Friendly | ||||||||||
Materiality | What Amano Group Aims For | Initiatives for the FY2024 | ||||||||
【R&D and Manufacture Unit】
【Clean Systems business】
【Environmental Systems business】
【Whole Company】
2. Be People-Friendly | ||||||||||
Materiality | What Amano Group Aims For | Initiatives for the FY2024 | ||||||||
【Whole Company】 Promote Diverse Human Resources :
Strengthen Responsiveness to Mid-to long-term Changes :
Creating a Workplace for Diversity :
Numerical Targets for Diversity :
【Information Systems business】
3. Provide Safety and Security | ||||||||||
Materiality | What Amano Group Aims For | Initiatives for the FY2024 | ||||||||
【R&D and Manufacture Unit】
【Information Systems business】
【Parking Systems business】
【Clean Systems business】
【R&D and Manufacture Unit】 |
4. Responsible Corporate Activities | ||||||||||
Materiality | What Amano Group Aims For | Initiatives for the FY2024 | ||||||||
【Procurement Unit】
【Whole Company】 |
【Whole Company】 |
【Whole Company】 |
【Information System Unit】 |
【Information System Unit】 |